I would like to allow certain of my users to have individual blogs on my site.  I know that I can make them Administrators, limit their permissions, create a category for each of them, and then create a Content Summary List with a filter based on the category.  Is there a better way to do that? Thank you.

Hey there, In the 7.0.* series I think that is the best you can do. You need to trust them to not edit or create any content outside of the areas you designate. In 7.1, coming soon, there will be a facility to properly restrict administrators to only creating/editing/trashing content in one area of the site, with that area being defined by its position in the menu hierarchy. It doesn't apply any restrictions by Category, but that will probably do very close to what you are describing. We're hoping to get 7.1 for public release in the next month. (We're concentrating on hosted customer rollout at the moment). See my blog for more info about 7.1's features. Tony

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