Run the Zenario installer

Point your browser at the site, e.g. (or[subdirectory] if you have Zenario in a subdirectory).

You should see the installer:

zenario install 1Click "Begin" and go to the next screen:

zenario install 2Read the license and then click "Fresh Install" to install a new site. 

zenario install 3

Enter your database connection details. Choose "standalone copy of Zenario" for simple install, and press "Next".

zenario install 4Choose the language and other settings for the site that suit you. Scroll down and pick a default skin, or "Blank" if you want to set up layouts and all CSS yourself:

zenario install 5

You may upload a logo (provided the listed directories are writeable), and enter an organisation name. 

zenario install 6

Enter your details and a password, so as to make your first administrator account. 

zenario install 7

Finally you will see the zenario_siteconfig.php configuration file that Zenario needs to exist in its home folder (e.g. public_html in this example). You may either:

  • select-all and copy; then edit the file on the server, paste it in, and save; or
  • make the file writeable (e.g. on your server, inside public_html, type chmod 666 zenario_siteconfig.php) and press "Do it for me".

Once you proceed, Zenario will write the default data to the database, and send you an email as confirmation.

Important: make sure you receive this email, and be sure to check your spam. If you really don't receive the email, go back and check that your server is able to send email.

If you need to do this and then fix email-sending, there's no need to re-run the installer, the welcome email doesn't contain anything critical.

zenario install 9You should see the above screen, and click the link to access your site.

You should find you're logged in already, but on future visits remember to go to /admin in your URL to access admin login.