I currently have evaluated many CMS systems and I must say that Zenario provides the best platform. Specifically, the grid Managemement via the Grid Maker is unique in the market. The entire concept is very well balanced and logical structure. I am very design oriented and have very little programming knowledge. I also want to quickly create templates and pages without programming knowledge. For the next update of Zenario I wish that the interventions so far have done at the file level can also be managed via the user interface.If I could change the values ​​for attributes directly within the module or plugin that would be a very strong simplification of handling. (Colors, spacing, positioning, borders, backgrounds, etc.)The WYSIWYG editor would be more useful if images and other media content can be integrated.Especially on these important points I lose a lot of time and not get ahead efficiently.I think that it is with many other users as well.I am very sure that if Zenario to this point opens that the use and popularity for a very wide user mass opens.

Hi there, thanks for the kind feedback!


If you go into Layout -> Skins in Organizer, then click on the "folder" icon next to a skin, we let you browse and view the files on the disk - however there's currently no ability to edit the files you see! Putting an editor there is something we're thinking about, but I'm afraid this won't be in the next update and I can't say or promise when or if we'd add this.


Oh but you should be able to use images in the WYSIWYG editor! With the editor open, you can just drag/drop them from your computer and they'll be uploaded and appear in the content.

Hi Tec,


Thanks for the positive feedback. We ourselves rely pretty heavily on Gridmaker, we find it works well, though we do intend to make a more "visual" kind of Gridmaker in the coming half year. That should make it smoother to use, perhaps let you see what plugins you will have on the layout while you work on it.


Then as you have seen, it is not yet possible to use a web browser to change CSS and Frameworks (the little snippets of HTML that make up a plugin's output). I'm rather glad you've suggested that because that is also a thing that we also want to make editable via a web browser. I think that when we allow this, we will start with the text-editing approach, though if possible we may try to put in simple GUI tools for some simple attributes.


I didn't quite understand your point about the WYSIWYG editor: like Chris, I would say that you can embed images in the WYSIWYG. Or are you suggesting some other kind of media, or other ways of working with WYSIWYG areas?


Many thanks,


Tony Butcher

To me Gridmaker probably is the strongest point with Zenario CMS as I've tried many other scripts around to compare (as an average level web designer, though some basic php & jquery knowledge I do have, but more adhere to visual things). As far as Zenario WYSIWYG, I think it is good enough at this point (there's everything necessary for designer/editor), but in practice stumbling point for me was when first  styling some modules (like Menus, TabbedNest etc), I came to know the skin (theme) styling made of nearly ten css files (in skin's folder) and it adds some confusion to zenario newbie, but eventually I solved these issues using firebug (firefox extension) to find appropiate element and style it up (in my custom skin, not to touch zenario's duke_street skin). Now I know (to me) the most referred to  css files are: plugins (the biggest one), viewport_devices_others, (if needed to play around with for other mobile devices) and maybe plugins_menu, (for top mobile menu modifying). I think there's mostly no need to touch layout.css.


Interventions to page styling (or GridTemplate styling) with visual UI (you mean like wix online site editing), maybe adding such functionality is going to be an overkill for such a featured superCMS. Anyway WYSIWYG's able to do this work inline (which may be not a good way to style the entire webpage, we have to care about page's inner tidyness), but while planning a website I first spend some time to make myCustom GridTemplates for all necessary page-types, and then the rest of work comes easy (mostly via front-end, just rarely drippig in organizer cellar)

Hi Jonny, thanks for the feedback!


One feature we're thinking of adding at some point in the future is the ability to edit the relevant CSS styles for a plugin by clicking on a new option in the drop-down menu at the top right of the slot that the plugin is in.


I haven't got completely solid details on how this will work or when we'll do this (it's still on the drawing board at the moment) but I hope that would be helpful in this case!

I think "editing the relevant CSS styles for a plugin" is a good idea, but it seems more practical (to me) just to add a link (full path) to appropriate css file (as long as all modules styles in one common 'plugins.css' file ) and indicate (from-to) code line numbers, so that beginner-designer gets clue what to edit (or copy & re-style in ones custom skin). My modest imagination does not go beyond this now :).

But I would love (in further zenario versions) Gridmaker thing to be given an option to open the full screen-height (as an additional mode) hiding irrelevant icons/notifications so to concentrate on Grid and see it fully. Plus there should be some arrangements made to exclude identical names for slots (while in the same GridTemplate), for example it took me another while to come up with why I have just the same content in two slots and as I remove/change one slot plugin (to get rid of duplicate), I get both deleted/replaced :)


Jonny said:

I think "editing the relevant CSS styles for a plugin" is a good idea, but it seems more practical (to me) just to add a link (full path) to appropriate css file (as long as all modules styles in one common 'plugins.css' file ) and indicate (from-to) code line numbers, so that beginner-designer gets clue what to edit (or copy & re-style in ones custom skin). My modest imagination does not go beyond this now :).

But I would love (in further zenario versions) Gridmaker thing to be given an option to open the full screen-height (as an additional mode) hiding irrelevant icons/notifications so to concentrate on Grid and see it fully. Plus there should be some arrangements made to exclude identical names for slots (while in the same GridTemplate), for example it took me another while to come up with why I have just the same content in two slots and as I remove/change one slot plugin (to get rid of duplicate), I get both deleted/replaced :)


Hi Jonny. Thanks for your suggestions.


To me what helps to find the relevant styles is use the browser's inspector. On FireFox there is FireBug and I can see the styles used by a plugin. Also on the 'plugin.css' file we try to add the styles per plugin on alphabetical order if that helps.


Regarding having Slots with the same name, do you mean on one layout?. Slots names are unique per layout. Gridmaker won't let you call two Slots the same. We would love to hear more about this to clarify what issue are you having.


Kind Regards,


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