Hi Jonny. For a bottom menu, I think you may want something like this? e.g. If so, then you can set the plugin 'Menu (horizontal)' and add a new CSS class for it. By default this plugin will have the CSS class 'zenario_menu__default_style'. You can add a new class (on the description.yaml) file. i.e. 'menu_bottom'. Then in your .css file you can add the styles for it. Regarding your screenshot for the vertical menu there could be different causes for it. It could be the 'list-style-position' rule on both 'ul' and 'li' is causing this issue in IE7. But would be easier to see the code and the styles. Is there any link I can check? I assume you are using the styles file 'reset.css' which resets the styling of all HTML elements to a consistent baseline. Kind Regards, Liz
Oh I haven't uploaded it to hosting yet (localmachine) but hopefully will do so soon. Pardon me it seems I'm not real good as a designer so if you have a ready-made own css for that nice footer above would you mind sharing it ? :)
Hi Jonny, Sorry for my slow reply. Of course, I have set some basic styles here: http://jsfiddle.net/0kcybamx/ Note the HTML has the same menu plugin structure which won't be a problem to adapt on your site. And I am using a class I called 'zenario_menu_bottom'. If you are going to use the same class name please remember to add it on the 'description.yaml' file. And then set it on the menu plugin. Hope that helps!
Nice, thank you Liz (with all the dummy questions being answered the only thing left to do is collect a huge colorful site)). In fact Zenario's great work tool. I found it fetching a script with solid possibilities and max of visual simplicity (plus responsive/adaptive grid), but the first thing that awakened interest in me in site building (a long ago) was weebly (online constructor) for its simplicity (mostly for drag&drop). Then having built a site I realized it lacks some features I came up with and it is not a tool for serious web designer (and not real good for blogger). May be if I'd started learning HTML/CSS & some JS back then instead I wouldn't ask that many questions I have presently :)
Thanks for your nice feedback Jonny! Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.
Hi again. My yet another question about vertical menu styling. I couldn't find a proper menu plugin for footer (two leveled with drop down for second level li as top menu may have) and presently decided on vertical menu at the sidebar bottom (my handy meny in case of long scrolldowns)). I want to add just a list-style-type (circle, disc whatever). List style position:inside (should be), but list-style symbols makes li items jump down to next line. I've changed ul li a {display:block} to inline-block (and added {display:block; | list-style-position:inside;} to ul). To li element added {list-style-position:outside;} and it fixed the situation except with IE11. Should it be some hack with IE (I think IE6-7 may not be considered)? https://yapx.ru/v/Kz6 And there was an issue about adding menus css customability in following zenario releases and it's interesting to me What's new in 7.0.7c version