Hi there Exakat!
Once upon a time our permission system required different permissions for managing a menu node, depending on whether it was in the tree. E.g. a top-level node had a different permission than a child-node. We've toned down some of the over-complexity since then.
This code is probably the result of a mass-search and replace. The functionality isn't wrong, I think it just needs tidying up and no-one has spotted it ^_^;;
yep, just what I thought. Definitely not a bug.
So, search is over, can you hand that to anyone who can change it?
That will make a cleaner code next version.
Yes, that would be me...
It's fixed in our internal repository; it'll be fixed in the download and on GitHub the next time we do a public release or patch.
Hi Zenario,
I found this in the 7.2 code :
File : zenario/modules/zenario_common_features/classes/admin_boxes/menu.php#l111
(See online at : https://github.com/TribalSystems/Zenario/blob/7.2/zenario/modules/zenario_common_features/classes/admin_boxes/menu.php#l111)
$tab['edit_mode']['enabled'] =
: checkPriv('_PRIV_EDIT_MENU_ITEM');
If I read well, $tab['edit_mode']['enabled'] depends on $box['key']['parentMenuID'] to be filled with checkPriv('_PRIV_EDIT_MENU_ITEM') or checkPriv('_PRIV_EDIT_MENU_ITEM').
Either the condition is too much, or one of the alternative is.
Best regards,
Damien Seguy.