The demo site is working normally.
I think the blocking issue comes from mbstring extension enabled in PHP, it's the only red color issue. On the demo site, there are a dozen of yellow issues only, it does not prevent the admin panel to start.
I tried to disable mbstring in .htaccess but without success.

<IfModule mod_php7.c>
php_value mbstring.http_input pass
php_value mbstring.http_output pass
php_flag mbstring.encoding_translation off

I finally managed to install the site,
I switched to php 7.4 NATIVE, it didn't work right away, white page on the admin and on the home page, but I did a manipulation in htaccess (mbstring), and after it worked, I deleted the piece of code that I had added in htaccess and it still works, luckily, I can't explain why...?
However I have a lot of errors on the login test page:

#[Web Server]  Apache http server version 2.4.7 or later (you have LiteSpeed)

#[Optional requirements] deflate module enabled in Apache
Needed for compressing files, for a faster page-load


#[other server programs]
*Antivirus is not enabled. Please go to Other server programs in Site Settings to change this.
*Antiword is not correctly set up.
*Ghostscript is not correctly set up.
*JPEG Image Optimizers
jpegtran is not correctly set up.
jpegoptim is not correctly set up.
mysql is not correctly set up.
mysqldump is not correctly set up.
pdftotext is not correctly set up.
*PNG Image Optimizers
optipng is not correctly set up.
advpng is not correctly set up.


#[Site configuration]
*There is a problem with the public link for service.png and 2 other images. Please check your public/images directory for possible permission problems. Manage images
*Automated backup monitoring is not set up. Please go to Backups and document storage in Site Settings to change this. Manage automated backups
*Your site is in development mode, but if you're developing modules you would not be able to see PHP errors and notices. (The ERROR_REPORTING_LEVEL should be set to (E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT) in your zenario_siteconfig.php file - or click the hammer icon at the bottom left of Organizer to fully enable the site).
*This site contains user-related data, but you are not protecting your admin-login with two-factor authentication. Please edit the zenario_custom/site_description.yaml file to enable two-factor authentication.
*There is an unknown file in the Zenario root directory: error_log. Please remove this if possible.
*The .htaccess file exists and is readable, but Friendly URLs are disabled. Please go to URL format, aliases and XML sitemap in Site Settings to change this.
*The default timezone is not set in site settings. Please go to Date and Time in Site Settings to change this.


#[Content items in draft form]

*html_5/privacy-policy,en-us is in draft mode.
This page is a special page and it should be published.
Created 52 mins ago (5 Aug 2020 20:06) by System Administrator (ABC_Admin).
*html_2/second-page,en-us is in draft mode.
Created 52 mins ago (5 Aug 2020 20:06) by System Administrator (ABC_Admin).


I started testing quickly and I get an error loading a logo image, I manage to load and place the image after several error messages.
I have to try to fix the security message about the htaccess file.
I will test more in depth tomorrow to see what problems I will surely encounter.

Do you think this configuration is viable or does it pose security problems?



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